Facade video game what is point
Facade video game what is point

facade video game what is point

The player doesn't type in a name, but instead selects one from a list, which will then be awkwardly spliced into Trip and Grace's fully voice-acted dialogue. Hello, Insert Name Here: Done in an odd way.You can buy a guide from Procedural Art for US$5. Guide Dang It: There is a “good” ending where you save Grace and Trip’s marriage, but it is extremely difficult to figure out.

facade video game what is point

  • Gay Option: No matter what gender your character is, you can still flirt with either Grace or Trip.
  • Many YouTube videos demonstrate graphical hacks, such as the magic 8-ball being turned into Chris Hansen, the skyline from the window being set on fire, etc.
  • Game Mod: The games textures and sprites for pictures/painting/props/skylines are in common graphic formats, and easy to open and edit.
  • It turns out that "melon" or "melons" is flagged as a synonym for breasts, which is why they react so badly to it.
  • Easter Egg: Trip and Grace seem to have a crippling phobia of melons.
  • Dummied Out: The game's texture files include an ashtray and a generic "drink" photograph, neither of which appear in the apartment.
  • But flat-out telling Trip and Grace to kill themselves (or each other) will just merit some uncomfortable banter.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: You can get kicked out for, among other things, sitting still for too long, moving around too much, or saying the word "melon" or any word containing it.
  • It's often hard to tell who the player should side with (and they force you to choose at least twice in every playthrough) when they don't seem to have any rational system of logic to dictate what they think constitutes appropriate behavior, for both you and themselves. Being a Bar-tender for a bar in the slums is apparently a terrible thing.
  • Blue and Orange Morality: Trip and Grace sure have their moral priorities in a twist.
  • Backstory: Unfolds a little bit at a time.
  • As You Know: "So, ten years ago, that's when you introduced us, right?" Say "No" for a good laugh.
  • It's apparently possible to get the best ending by being a nonsense-spouting obnoxious jerkass.
  • Gameplay is extraordinarily simple: You move with the arrow keys, interact with objects (or physically with Grace or Trip) by left-clicking on them, and can talk at any time simply by typing something.įaçade can be downloaded at .įaçade provides examples of the following tropes: Though they do occasionally get, er, confused if you say something they do not understand, they comprehend English remarkably well for video game characters. The player communicates with them through simple body language and by typing messages. The main selling point of this video game (well, "selling point" is the wrong term, since it's Freeware) is Grace's and Trip's artificial intelligence. And the friends are not exactly happy with each other. In this video game developed by independent studio Procedural Arts, you play as yourself visiting friends. After years of not seeing either of them, Trip calls you over the telephone and asks you over to their apartment for a visit. Ten years ago, you introduced two friends of yours to each other: Grace and Trip. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

    facade video game what is point

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    Facade video game what is point